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When flooding takes its toll, the average damage insurance claim is $6,965. Having supplemental flood insurance minimizes cost while providing the resources that you need to make repairs and return to a sense of normalcy without interruption in your daily life.

Even if the area surrounding your home isn't prone to flooding, flash floods and other disasters always have the potential to strike. However, flood protection is also often a requirement for many lenders when financing your home. With so many moving parts, an insurance professional can easily find a solution that is right for your needs and your budget.

Flood Insurance FAQ:

Does my homeowners insurance include flood insurance?

Most homeowners insurance policies do not include flood insurance.

What are the different types of flood insurance?

There are two types of flood insurance coverage: building property coverage and personal contents coverage.

What is building property coverage?

Building property coverage normally protects the structure, wiring, plumbing, and A/C system within your home. It also covers any in-house decor a detached garage.

What is personal contents coverage?

Personal contents coverage often protects items within the property itself, such as clothing, furniture, linens, electronics, and some valuables.

For a flood insurance policy that provides complete protection, connect with our team at Lowry Insurance. We create customized insurance solutions designed with your needs and your budget in mind.