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The Most Common Auto Insurance Claims in the Fall (and How to Avoid Them)

With the changing of the seasons comes a change in driving conditions. From icing roads to sudden deer crossings, autumn can be a tricky season to navigate when on the road - quite literally.

So, if you want to avoid making costly mistakes behind the wheel this fall, here are some tips for reducing your chances of being involved in an auto insurance claim.

The Most Common Auto Insurance Claims in the Fall (and How to Avoid Them)

Most Common Auto Insurance Claims in the Fall

Did you know that there are approximately 13 car accidents every 60 seconds in the U.S.?
With that said, the best way to avoid becoming part of the statistic is to learn how you can avoid these mishaps altogether. Let's dive into the most common insurance claims to help you be more alert this season.

1. Sliding off the Road

As the leaves begin to change, so do your insurance risks. Your neighborhood will more than likely see an increase in snow & ice accidents and injuries as the weather gets colder. In fact, according to statistics, 116,800 people are injured in vehicle crashes on snowy, slushy, or icy pavement annually.

Although many people think of autumn as a time to relax, it's important to keep up with your auto insurance needs now more than ever. Here are some of the best ways to avoid hitting ice patches and sliding off the road.

How to Avoid This Situation:

2. Hitting an Animal

Deer are the most common animal to be hit by a car during the fall. As statistics show, about 1.5 million deer-car accidents happen every year.

Although this is a common accident for vehicle owners, there are ways to avoid the situation altogether. Here are some of our top tips to avoid hitting an animal when driving.

How to Avoid This Situation:

3. Running Over Debris

Fall is a beautiful time of year.

It's full of crisp air and colorful leaves, but it also brings about some unexpected hazards for drivers. From icy roads to potholes and debris, fall weather can make driving dangerous, and debris is something you want to be on high alert for - especially when driving through wooded areas.

How to Avoid This Situation:

Auto Insurance for When You Need it Most.

In short, the most important thing you can do to reduce your risk of road accidents this fall is to stay aware of your surroundings. And what better way to do that than by slowing down? If everyone can remember that simple fact, then there will be fewer accidents on the road this season.

If you ever find yourself in an accident, our team at Lowry Insurance can help walk you through what steps need to be taken next-and maybe even save you some money! Give us a call today to get a quote on auto insurance.

Interested in learning how we can improve your policy? Let's talk.